Tuesday, May 25, 2010

2010 Indy 500 Race Day Parking Options

2010 Indy 500 Race Day Parking Options

Speedway High School and Speedway Junior High school will be offering race day parking at their schools parking lots for only $20.

Speedway High School is the local High School that is located blocks away from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Fans that have 3rd turn, 4th turn and front straightway seats, all could park at Speedway High School and have a short walk to the track. The address for Speedway High School is 5357 W. 25th Street, Speedway IN 46224.

Speedway Junior High School is a 7/8 building that feeds into Speedway High School. Fans that have seats in turn 1, turn 2 would benefit by parking at the Jr High. The address for Speedway Junior High is 5151 W. 14th Street, Speedway, IN 46224.

All money collected from race parking goes directly back into the Schools and benefits the students that attend Speedway Schools.

Both schools will have restrooms open and offer areas to tailgate.

Checkout the Speedway website for more information:


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